
This project was done in a group of three people: Myeisha Madkins, Logan Harrell, and Daniel Peterson. We were given this project on February 25 and had a total of 7 and ½ school days to complete a working application for our client. This application was to be a replication of the BCCA student application process.

BCCA Home Page:

This page looks and feels like you are on the Base Camp Coding Academy website. It includes a navbar with links to two other pages(apply and admin). It also includes a short description of what Base Camp Coding Academy is and a picture of the 2018-2019 class.

Applying as a Student (Student Application Page):

Applicants can reach this page by clicking apply on the BCCA home page. On this page you will find the location of Base Camp Coding Academy, as well as the website. After a short message, thanking the applicants for applying, there is a button for the applicant to start the application.

The application itself consists of asking the applicant for basic information(name, age, number, etc.), along with questions about the applicant’s character. After clicking the submit button, the applicant will see another thank you message.

Admin Home Page:

From the admin home page the administrator can see a list of every applicant/student to apply using the application. The applicants are in alphabetical order, and the administrator can either click on the applicant’s name or the applicant’s school.

If the administrator chooses the school, it will show a list of all the students that have applied from that school.

The applicants can be sorted into a list of students that are eligible and non-eligible. By clicking on links labeled eligible and non-eligible the list will change.

By clicking on the students name on either the admin home page or the school selection page, the administrator can see the information the student gave in the student application in a easy to read format.

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